Along the Objects
11/12 (Sat) - 12/24/2022 (Sat)
Yeh Shih-Chiang, Cynthia Sah, Yang Mao-Lin, Huang Hung-Teh, Hsiao Sheng-Chien, Tsui Kuang-Yu, Isa Ho, Chou Chu-Wang, Moritz Partenheimer, Izumi Akiyama, Chen Wan-Jen

Exhibition venue|Double Square Gallery
Opening reception|2022.11.12 (Sat.) 15:00
A utensil is never possessed, because a utensil refers one to the world; what is possessed is always an object abstracted from its function and thus brought into relationship with the subject. In this context all owned objects partake of the same abstractness, and refer to one another only inasmuch as they refer solely to the subject. Such objects together make up the system through which the subject strives to construct a world, a private totality. -The System of Objects, Jean Baudrillard
Double Square Gallery is delighted to present Along the Objects, which runs from November 12 to December 24, 2022. The exhibition features eleven artists from Taiwan and abroad, including Yeh Shih-Chiang, Cynthia Sah, Yang Mao-Lin, Huang Hung-De, Hsiao Sheng-Chien, Tsui Kuang-Yu, Isa Ho, Chou Chu-Wang, Moritz Partenheimer, Akiyama Izumi, and Chen Wan-Jen. Showcasing works by the artists from different generations, the exhibition explores the meaning and context of collection through looking at relations between humans and objects. Along this pathway of using objects as markers to unveil a new vision, in which video, photography, painting, and sculpture intersect, it enables a further reading into the unique social relations co-created by objects and humans.
In The System of Objects, Jean Baudrillard states that all objects carry two functions: to be used as instruments by humans, and to be owned by humans. Being owned gives objects their meaning and identity, whereas humans are completed by owning certain objects. The interreference between humans and collected objects contributes to the formation of a unique and private world. In Buddhist philosophy, the interrelation of things is the origin of “pratyaya” (緣), or “a co-operating cause.” Along the Objects selects eleven artists from different generations and backgrounds, who exhibit dissimilar objects embodying various creative themes. Through the contextual differences of geological regions, lifestyles, and cultures, the exhibition unfurls a comparison of relations and feelings between humans and objects. In these works, the co-operation cause between the objects and the artists, and between the objects and the spectators reveals the two-fold meaning of the exhibition: along the meaning involving these objects, a pathway surfaces that allows us to understand the social relations constructed by the interinfluence between the objects and the spectators.