Su Huiyu’s “L’être et le Néant(1962, Chang Chao-Tang) ” is invited to the 14th edition of the Curitiba Biennial

Artist News

Artist Su Huiyu’s “L’être et le Néant(1962, Chang Chao-Tang) ” is invited to the 14th edition of the Curitiba Biennial. This edition of biennial starts from September 21, 2019 to March 1, 2020, and co-curated by curators Adolfo Montejo Navas and Tereza de Arruda. The theme of this year biennial is “Open Borders”. The thematic proposal is a dialogue of deconstruction of the notions of physical boundaries, and the transformations they undergo over time and from the relations between subject and space.

Su Huiyu’s “L’être et le Néant (1962, Chang Chao-Tang) ” is an attempt to reassemble(not interpret) Chang Chao-Tang’s famous photo piece Being I (the translation of Chinese title is supposed to be Being and Nothingness). The atmosphere of 1962 was darkened by the shadow of martial law and the White Terror. It was an era when people’s thoughts and the feelings had nowhere to go. This sense of stifling and emptiness happened to resonate a little in tone with existentialism, the prevailing “trend in the world thought” at the time. While this resonance had very little to do with comprehension, and may have even been little more than a similarity in title (Jean-Paul Sartre had published his book Being and Nothingness in 1943), it still precisely captured the zeitgeist – a marginal zone of longing for freedom that was unattainable, longing for truth that lay out of reach. Today when revisit the scene of Chang’s Being I, we can’t help being abruptly shocked. That experience of being suffocated, being incarcerated, that sense of being tightly constrained or even a little terrified seems not so far away.

14th edition of the Curitiba Biennial
Biennial dates: 2019.09.21-2020.03.01
Biennial venue: multiple art spaces in Curitiba
Link to website