藝術家崔廣宇、蘇匯宇受邀參與2023年瑞士蘇黎世國際實驗電影與錄像藝術節Videoex 的「Gastprogramm: Hong Kong / Taiwan / Singapore」單元


藝術家崔廣宇、蘇匯宇受邀參與2023年瑞士蘇黎世國際實驗電影與錄像藝術節Videoex 的「Gastprogramm: Hong Kong / Taiwan / Singapore」單元。

Videoex is Switzerland's largest festival dedicated to experimental film and video. Over the course of ten days, Videoex shows films and videos beyond conventional narrative cinema: experimental, visually surprising, conceptually unexpected or controversially political films and videos on the threshold between visual art and film.

「2023 Videoex 國際實驗電影與錄像藝術節」
展覽地點|瑞士蘇黎世 The Videoex festival center
展覽時間|2023.05.25 - 2023.06.04