Double Square Gallery exhibiting at Booth B15 of Taipei Dangdai

Gallery News

During Taipei Dangdai Double Square Gallery will present a group show of four artist, CHEN Wan-Jen, HSU Yunghsu, Cynthia SAH and SHYU Ruey-Shiann While Cynthia Sah and Hsu Yunghsu uses two of the most established mediums in history, stone and ceramics; SHYU Ruey-Shiann and CHEN Wan-Jen work with kinetic movements and video, comparatively new mediums. These seemingly unrelated material forms a special connection between one another, through production process and through the intervention of the artists’ body. Works from the four artists all features intensive labor during production, inheriting the traditional spirit of sculpture while at the same time adapting their processes for the current day, resulting in a final work that is full of personal touch and life stories.
This time Double Square Gallery hope to present the creative process of the artist, through shaping, carving, and polishing that allows the infusion of aura and energy that brought upon the poetics and emotions we see in an art work. This is something that is quickly becoming rare in the era of reproduction and fast consumption we live in today, and attempt to reflect on the definition of sculpture today through a variety of different mediums.

Video source: La Vie