
Artist News

As part of this year’s educational programming, the Children’s Art Education Center is presenting the first of a two-part exhibition based on the concept of stories. Equipped with interactive experiences, such as role play and selection processes, the exhibition allows visitors to freely edit or introduce their own experiences into paintings, installations, video, and theatrical works. By summoning imaginative responses to objects, games, and role playing, while eliciting empathy for a variety of perspectives, visitors will be inspired to consider different ways of thinking and interpreting the material presented.

Titled Telling a Story with You: Where Have All the Clouds Gone?, the exhibition features the work of six artists, who have organized their own intentions, memories, goals, expectations, and explanations into stories that tell each and every detail while weaving recognition of themselves into an image of the world and their environments.


「Telling a Story with You: Where Have All the Clouds Gone?」
Event Venue|Taipei Fine Arts Museum Children’s Art Education Center
Event Date|2022.10.01-2023.02.05