Shyu Ruey-Shiann, Chen Wan-Jen and Huang Hai-Hsin were invited to participate in the group exhibition at Taipei Fine Arts Museum

Artist News

The title Along the Journey is related to dialogues that develop between the viewer and the exhibited works and also suggests three imaginative orientations: First, the bodily movements, keen perceptions, and re-examination of the self and surroundings triggered by the journey; second, the unknown journey upon which the artist embarks in the creation of each work, and the exploration and effort experienced along this journey; and finally, the Museum’s encounter with planned and unanticipated opportunities that arise as it interacts with collected works. The word “journey” also offers viewers an invitation to open the imagination, follow the gaze of each artist, transform perspectives, and to see and think in a variety of ways about the artwork.

Along the Journey: New Acquisitions
Event Venue|Taipei Fine Arts Museum (Gallery 1A&1B)
Event Date|2022.08.13-11.06