Kuang-Yu Tsui was invited to participate in the group exhibition "Walking the Crack" at Taipei Fine Arts Museum

Artist News

Walking creates paths, which may be shortcuts or perhaps detours. A path may start from tracking others or following in their footsteps. Sometimes people march in line. Sometimes they pace back and forth. Sometimes they walk a perilous road (for instance, we speak of risky affairs as “walking a tightrope”). These many different walking paths form lines, some running parallel to each other, others intersecting, all of them ultimately interweaving into a surface and forming a network. This is also how the exhibition connects art with daily life, artists with viewers, artworks with spaces. The viewing and reading of the exhibition are drawn together into a cycle, which implies the cycle of birth and perishing that encompasses the universe and all things.

Walking the Crack
Event Venue|Taipei Fine Arts Museum (Gallery 2A&2B)
Event Date|2022.09.08-2023.01.08