Su Huiyu is invited to group exhibition “Sunset on a Dead End- The Notorious and Their inexplicable Modes of Existence” at PSA, Shanghai

Artist News

Artist Su Huiyu’s"L’être et le Néant(1962, Chang Chao-Tang)” is now on view at group exhibition “Sunset on a Dead End- The Notorious and Their inexplicable Modes of Existence” at PSA, Shanghai. Curated by Shen Chen and Wang Huan.

The Notorious are the gap of mainstream values, the heresy entrenched in shelters, the bubbles rising out of the container of ethics, and the overall impression of lousy memories. They come to the stage and impress the audience with strange postures – some of them have been historically identified as people of irreversible behaviors, while others have not yet done anything out of the ordinary and abominable, but have "broken" the inherent rules and conventions of the society just because of their own special existence – contagious patients, homeless guys, mad men, malformed people, crime committers, and urban freaks... The so-called “Notorious” are in varying degrees and situations that the public tend to keep away from. By having “the Notorious” as thread, the exhibition sets out to constantly re-evaluate the complex relationship between human individual and power, which is recurrent, intertwined and ever-flowing. In this process, it connects to mappings and discussions about solvability/insolvability, madness/civilization, mystery/rationality, mechanism/rule, naming/judgment, etc. Can the benchmark of power measure human density? Sunset on a dead end is a seemingly irreparable U-turn of another dimension, which refers to the exhibition’s original intention.

“Sunset on a Dead End- The Notorious and Their inexplicable Modes of Existence”
Exhibition dates: 2019.10.25-2020.02.23
Exhibition venue: Power Station of Art, Shanghai
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