Su Huiyu and Youki Hirakawa are invited to annual show of Asian Film Archive- State of Motion 2020: Rushes of Time in Singapore

Artist News

Artist Su Huiyu’s “The Glamourous Boys of Tang” & “Super Taboo” and Youki Hirakawa’s “The Better Way Back to the Soil” are respectively invited to participate in the screening program “The Films We Remake” and ‘The Structures We Resist” as parts of the annual show of Asian Film Archive- State of Motion 2020: Rushes of Time in Singapore.

Short Film Programme: The Films We Remake
The Glamorous Boys of Tang (1985, Chui Kang-Chien) by Su Huiyu
The Better Way Back to the Soil by Youki Hirakawa
Screening date:2020.02.08 (六) 8:00 PM
Screening venue:Oldham Theater,Singapore
Link to website

Short Film Programme: The Structures We Resist
Super Taboo by Su Huiyu
Screening date:2020.02.22 (六) 8:00 PM
Screening venue:Oldham Theater,Singapore
Link to website