Hsu Yunghsu participating in the 60th Biennale exhibition of Faenza Prize at The International Museum of Ceramics, Faenza, Italy

Artist News

In 2018 the prize celebrates 80 years and the 60th edition the historic International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art, “Faenza Prize”, is the long-lasting and remarkable recognition in the world of ceramic art. Starting from 1938, it became a fundamental event firstly for Italian ceramic Art and then, from 1964, for the international context, in 1989 it became a biennial event. It has been fundamental to allow people to understand that ceramics is not only for functional creations but it is a material for contemporary art. During its life the Faenza Prize has represented the works by great artists such as Lucio Fontana, Leoncillo Leonardi, Angelo Biancini, Guido Gambone, Pietro Melandri, Carlo Zauli, Eduard Chapallaz, Sueharu Fukami, who determined great changes in the history of sculpture and art in general.

The 60th edition is a great opportunity to create a special event testifying its aim and essence. The 60th Faenza Prize, for the first time of its history, will be a great exhibition supported by international curators responsible for selecting and inviting artists from all over the world.

From 30th June to 7th October 2018 Faenza will house the most significant ceramic art researches created both by international masters and young talents.

17 curators have selected 55 famous artists from all over the world in order to have a wide and complete vision of the ceramic art situation today. Not only sculptures but also installations and performances will characterize this exhibition.

“The project of this Biennale has been shared by several art critics who have been working for years, taking into consideration international ceramic competitions and exhibitions. The Faenza Prize is known worldwide and has always been an opportunity for sharing art experiences and stimulate the dialogue – explains Claudia Casali MIC Director – to celebrate this unique goal, all the curators decided to carry on a deep reflection on the meaning of ceramic sculpture today. As I underlined several times, in the latest 15 years ceramics has been showing important results, reaching great objectives. The new generation of artists are working on new experimentations, joining the different art media and materials. It is the aspect that we want to enhance through our work, our convictions and activities”.

The exhibition will be flanked by a Congress arranged at MIC by ICMEA, International Association of Editors of Ceramic art, where many artists, curators and journalists will discuss about contemporary ceramics.

Curators of the Biennale: Sandra Benadretti, Luca Bochicchio, Irene Biolchini, Claudia Casali, Monika Gass, Wendy Geers, Grant Gibson, Tomo Hirai, Jacques Kaufmann, Torbjorn Kvasbo, Alessandra Laitempergher, Elaine Henry, Jelena Popovic, Urmas Puhkan, Vittorio Amedeo Sacco, Nathalie Shu-ling Chiang, Marco Tonelli.

Artists taking part to the exibhition: Eugenj Antufiev 1986 (RUS); Salvatore Arancio, 1974 (IT/GB); Neil Brownsword, 1970 (GB); Bertozzi & Casoni 1957-1961 (IT); Arianna Carossa 1973 (IT/USA); Fernando Casasempere 1958 (CHI/GB); Bruno Ceccobelli 1952 (IT); Caroline Cheng 1963 (CHI); Chang Ching Yuan, 1960 (TAW); Salvatore Cuschera, 1958 (IT/GB); Canan Dagdelen 1960 (TUR/A); Giuseppe Ducrot, 1966 (IT); Clementine Dupré, 1978 (F); Efrat Eyal 1967 (ISR); Alessandro Gallo, 1974 (IT/USA); Mia E Göransson, 1961 (SWE); Michel Gouery, 1959 (F); Chen Guanghui 1969 (CHI); Satoru Hoshino 1945 (JAP); Thomas Hirschler, 1965 (D); Tsubasa Kato 1962 (JAP); Sangwoo Kim 1980 (COR/F), Katrine Køster Holst, 1979 (DK); Anna Dorothea Klug, 1984 (D); Liu Jianhua 1962 (CHI); Luigi Mainolfi 1948 (IT); Shozo Michikawa 1953 (JAP); Johannes Nagel 1979 (D); Harumi Nakashima 1950 (JAP); Ngozi Omeje Ezema 1979 (NIG); Pekka Paikkari 1960 (FIN); Eva Pelechová 1984 (CEC); Alessandro Pessoli 1963 (IT/USA); Paolo Polloniato 1979 (IT); Irina Razumovskaya 1990 (RUS); Leo Rohlin 1939 (EST); Annabeth Rosen 1957 (USA); Kathy Ruttenberg 1957 (USA); Anders Ruhwald 1974 (DK/USA); Brendan Lee Satish Tang 1975 (CAN); Scuotto (Salvatore 1969, Emanuele 1978 IT); Kim Simonsson 1973 (FIN); Vera Stanković 1967 (SLO/SER); Sudarshan Shetty 1961 (India); Johan Tahon 1965 (B); Alessio Tasca 1929 (IT); Johnson Tsang 1960 (CHI); Antonio Violetta 1953 (IT); Jiang Yanze 1975 (CHI); Yunghsu Hsu 1955 (TAW); Anne Wenzel 1972 (D/NED); Paula Winokur 1935-2018 (USA); Veljko Zejak 1980 (SRB); Simon Jozsef Zsolt 1978 (HU).

The exhibition has been arranged thanks to the support of: Regione Emilia-Romagna, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Ravenna, Fondazione Banca del Monte e Cassa di Risparmio Faenza, Cersaie, Hera e Caviro

And the patronage of: Regione Emilia Romagna, Provincia di Ravenna, Comune di Faenza, Anno Europeo della Cultura, Aic (International Academy of Ceramics), ICOM, 50° Premio Europa Faenza, ICMEA

Tecnical partnership: Officine Saffi
Media Partner: La ceramica moderna e antica