Hsu YungHsu Participating in "Heavy Artillery - White Rabbit Gallery"

Artist News

Exhibition: Heavy Artillery
Exhibition Location: White Rabbit Gallery
Exhibition Dates: 2016.03.09 - 2016.08.07


White Rabbit’s summer exhibition is a heavy hitter indeed. Among the highlights of a huge show:

Xu Zhen’s European Thousand-Armed Sculpture (2013–2014), in which massive classical sculptures align in the form of a Buddhist deity;
Library (2008; pictured), Polit-Sheer-Form Office group’s overwhelming archive of all-blue books;
He Xiangyu’s Tank Project (2011–2013), a replica of a Soviet-Chinese tank made entirely from hand-stitched leather;
Liu Chengrui’s performance video Guazi Moves Earth (2008), in which the artist becomes a human excavator; and
Flotage—Tectonics (2014), a translucent screen-printed “floating” wall by Shinji Ohmaki, our Biennale guest artist from Japan.
Also on show: works by Aaajiao (Xu Wenkai), Geng Xue, Guo Jian, Liu Chuang, Liu Jianhua, Liu Wei, Song Hongquan, Wang Lei, Yang Liming, and Taiwanese artists Ah Leon, Hsu YungHsu, Huang Hai-Hsin, Lin Yen-Wei, Chou Chu-Wang.