Double Square Gallery is pleased to present online viewing room of "↻" Chen Wan-Jen and Juan Zamora Duo Exhibition and "Daily Sucks/150 Meters of LoveHomePeace" Tsui Kung-Yu Solo Exhibition

Gallery News

Double Square Gallery is pleased to present "↻" Chen Wan-Jen and Juan Zamora Duo Exhibition and "Daily Sucks/150 Meters of LoveHomePeace" Tsui Kung-Yu Solo Exhibition which starts from July 14 to August 22.

"↻" Chen Wan-Jen and Juan Zamora Duo Exhibition
Artsy online viewing room
Ocula online viewing room

"Daily Sucks/150 Meters of LoveHomePeace" Tsui Kung-Yu Solo Exhibition
Artsy online viewing room
Ocula online viewing room

"↻" Chen Wan-Jen and Juan Zamora Duo Exhibition(1F)
"Daily Sucks/150 Meters of LoveHomePeace" Tsui Kung-Yu Solo Exhibition(2F)
Opening reception:2020.07.18 (Sat.) 15.00
Exhibition dates:2020.07.14-2020.08.22 (Tue.-Sat., 10.30-18.30)
Exhibition venue:Double Square Gallery