Double Square Gallery is pleased to announce the representation of the Spanish artist Juan Zamora

Gallery News

Double Square Gallery is pleased to announce the representation of the Spanish artist Juan Zamora. Juan Zamora, whose art practice revolves around nature, employs a diverse range of media, including installation, painting and sculpture, to explore coexistence and re-generative relationship between nature, humankind and the earth. The 38-year-old artist has received the National Spanish Award Princess of Girona of Arts & Literature in 2017 and currently is participating the Örö artist residency in Finland.
Zamora has been featured in numerous international biennials, among which are the Martinez Gerricabeita Biennial (Spain; 2019), the Lagos Biennial (Nigeria; 2019), the Anocero Biennial (Portugal; 2019), the Art Sanya Biennial (China; 2013) and Manifesta 8 -The European Biennial of Contemporary Art (Spain; 2010). Zamora will also participate in 2021 Venice Biennale through collaboration with the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities.
Zamora’s works were shown at Double Square Gallery as part of the duo exhibition “↻’” in 2020 summer with gallery artist Chen Wan-Jen. Sean C.S. Hu, director of Double Square Gallery notes: “Zamora is a talented and active artist across the world, we are happy to have him as part of our artist roster and look forward to our future collaboration.”
Juan Zamora (b. 1982) was born in Spain, and currently lives and works in Madrid. He has been invited to conduct artist residencies in New York, Johannesburg, Amsterdam and Venice. He has also exhibited extensively in Spain, Germany, Portugal, the US, China, Colombia, Italy, Nigeria, Mexico, Canada and Greece.

More information about Juan Zamora