Chu The-I’s solo exhibition “Juxtaposition X Dislocation”

Artist News

Artist Chu The-I’s solo exhibition “Juxtaposition X Dislocation” is now on view at InArt Space untill November 30 at InArt Space, Tainan.

This solo shows shed a new light that Chu believes the oriental presentation of space and materials is somewhat different from the Occidental practices. He managed to work on alternative abstract paintings with Western materials. He thinks that “Abstract paintings are an international representation of the painting. Korea’s Dansaekhwa (monochrome painting) and Japan’s Gutai avant-garde art movement are celebrated as significant figures; however, what style can represent the idea of Taiwan’s abstract paintings?” In fact, he has been trying to seek for the possibility for the development of abstract painting as he breaks the limitation of frame sizes for painting with additional canvas. Along with the fluidity of abstract painting creations and the integration of the representation of forms and colors, these factors make the displacement visible and form the visual tension as well.

“Juxtaposition X Dislocation” Chu The-I solo exhibition
Exhibition dates: 2019.09.03-2019.11.0
Exhibition venue: InArt Space, Tainan
Exhibition opening: 2019.09.07 (Sat.) 15.00
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