Chen Ching-Yao is participating the group exhibition “+1黛OldWays, Young”

Artist News

Artist Chen Ching-Yao is participating the group exhibition “+1黛OldWays, Young” which starts from November 28 to December 26 at FreeS Art Space.


“+1黛OldWays, Young” Hantoo 2020, this year’s collaborative exhibition, views Hantoo as a “cohesive subject”, a gesamtkunstwerk formed of the collisions between distinct entities / subjects, with sight and sound, with flair and verve, a “+1” initiative for the individual and the collective, for the individual and art. The 13 artists aim to challenge +1黛 through the three different methods of “old + old”, “old + new”, and “old concepts, new applications.”

Through the deconstruction and declassification of hegemonic symbols, CHEN Ching-Yao’s works often appropriate cultural symbols from Japanese and Korean popular culture, putting them through dramatic rewriting and rearticulation and producing images or gestures full of satirical and tongue-in-cheek elements. Or perhaps, he imagines himself as someone else and places himself into the work, amusing the viewer through the enormous discrepancy this creates in the original. His new work continues the sense of ludicrousness, displaying for the first time a handmade costume; this is no mere decoration, but one that gazes longingly at the work on paper, making sparks fly at the exhibition.