Artist Su Huiyu is invited to attend the Moscow International Experimental Film Festival.

Artist News

Artist Su Huiyu is invited to attend the Moscow International Experimental Film Festival. During the festival Su has been engaged in a series programs.

Photo#1: After introducing Su's work "The Walker" Su and curator Rita Sokolovskaya were having a QA talk with the audience.
Photo#2 #3: On September 30th Su was having a lecture at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. In the lecture, Su introduced his new work "The Glamorous Boys of Tang(1985, Chui Kang-Chien)" and focused on his editing technique "pick-up" which alloys with illusion and reality.

The 3rd edition Moscow International Experimental Film Festival Festival dates: 2018.09.26-2018.09.30
Festival venue: Various cinemas in Moscow (Garage Museum of Contemporary Art)