Artist Hsu Yung-hsu Solo Exhibition "Object/Self" at Juming Museum

Artist News

“Object/Self” refers to the alternating roles between Hsu, the artist, and his works as the subject. This relationship between the two is likened to a conflict, to a duet, and more so to a union into one. He chose the most modest white or black clay, used the most primitive coiling, pinching and shaping techniques, and left a truthful chronicle on the surface of the artwork of the creative process, humidity of the environment, air flow, as well as bodily pain and fatigue. Reiterating a singular motion for a long period of time creates tension and variation, allowing the act of creating art to take on an instinctive nature like that of building nests. Every mark represents the distillation of his experience, emotions and memories in life.

Juming Museum featured Hsu twice in the past, the 2000 solo exhibition, Seat‧Seat‧Seat, and the 2011 joint exhibition, Material Language – Soil. This year’s exhibition marks the third of this beautiful decennial encounter. With over 20 pieces Hsu completed since 2013, it is also a testimony to his evolution. Spanning from indoor displays to outdoor installations, some are majestic while some are intricate. This body of work faithfully demonstrates the essence of his art from recent years. The Museum also prepared special hands-on programs for the visitors. The programs will lead them into a dialogue between their own hands and the clay, help them involve their own bodies in the viewing process and enrich their encounter with “Object/Self”.


Object/Self – Hsu Yunghsu Solo Exhibition
2021/05/01 - 2022/08/28
Main Building and Interchange Area, Juming Museum